Our Why

Inspired by nature's balance and beauty,
we believe God is the essence of life.
We see God in the world's beauty— the skies, oceans, animals, plants, nature, peace, love, and all the wonderful things life has to offer. We see God in the love shared between souls, a tiny flower breaking through concrete, and in the joy expressed by animals. Imagine watching a sunrise or a sunset, or listening to the sound of raindrops or ocean waves. We see God in these balanced, beautiful aspects of nature.
This belief inspires us to create products for those who seek a deeper connection, find peace in quiet moments, and believe in the power of mindful living. Therapy With God can be experienced in different ways, and it's a deeply personal journey. Whether you're meditating by candlelight, sitting quietly under the stars, or exploring the great outdoors, our products are designed to complement these meaningful moments in your life.